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Embedding Errors

This section explains the causes of embedding errors. If you are having other problems when embedding tours in a web page, see the Troubleshooting section.

Embedding a tour is easy, but it's also easy to make mistakes that will prevent the tour from loading or from working with the API. Below are the embedding errors that MapsAlive will report in a JavaScript alert, along with the reason for the error and the solution to fix it. In the error messages, ###### means a tour number.

Found 2 <script> tags with id="ma-#####". There should only be 1.

This error occurs when there are multiple tours on the same web page that have the same tour number and there are two or more <script> tags for that tour. This error will prevent the tour from loading.

To resolve the error:

  • Only code one <script> tag for each tour number even though there are multiple <div> tags for that tour.

Tour ##### is missing a <script> tag having id='ma-#####'.

This error occurs when the embed code <script> and <div> tags are not using the same (and correct) tour specifier. This error will prevent the tour from loading.

To resolve the error:

  • Make sure that the <script> tag's id and the <div> tag's class are using the same tour specifier.
  • See the tour embed code for more information.

Tour ##### is missing a <div> tag having class='ma-#####'.

This error occurs when the embed code <script> and <div> tags are not using the same (and correct) tour specifier. This error will prevent the tour from loading.

To resolve the error:

  • Make sure that the <script> tag's id and the <div> tag's class are using the same tour specifier.
  • See the tour embed code for more information.

Tour ##### has two or more instances using the same identifier

This error occurs when the same tour is embedded more than once, but each tour's the instance identifier is not unique.

To resolve the error:

  • Make sure that the value of data-instance is unique in the embed code for each tour.